Costa Rica: A Fundraiser with Black River Audubon Society


September 20-28, 2025

From: San Jose, Costa Rica
Participant Limit: 10
Activity Level: Moderate

Price: $4,999 per person

Double occupancy. Single supplement: $300

This is a birding tour, designed to see as many bird species as possible, with special focus on specialty species.

Costa Rica is one of the top birding countries in the world, but many birders don’t realize that this wonderful country hosts an incredible migration of raptors and passerines as they travel from their breeding grounds in North America to their wintering grounds in South America.

This tour will begin by visiting the Caribbean Coast where the bulk of migration through the country occurs. We will visit Casa Calateas which is one of the best spots to witness the raptor migration through this region. We could see thousands of Mississippi Kites, Turkey Vultures, and Broad-winged Hawks migrating overhead in addition to several resident species such as King Vulture, Black Hawk-Eagle, and Double-toothed Kite. In addition to many other birds, we will also have a great chance to see two species of sloths, a couple species of Poison Dart Frogs, and Mantled Howler Monkey!

We’ll also visit additional Costa Rican hotspots Rancho Naturalista and Hotel Quelitales. At Rancho Naturalista we will enjoy their fantastic meals while looking for some special species such as Snowcap, Lovely Cotinga, and Black-crested Coquette. At and around Hotel Quelitales we will enjoy species such as Coppery-headed Emerald, Black-bellied Hummingbird, Black-breasted Wood- Quail, Scaled Antpitta, and more. We’ll spend one day birding the higher elevations of Irazú Volcano looking for species such as Resplendent Quetzal, Volcano Junco, and Timberline Wren. We will also visit many other locations throughout this trip including feeder setups that will give us a chance for great looks at many hummingbirds, tanagers, and more!


Summary Itinerary

September 20: Arrival in San José, Costa Rica - Transfer to Hotel Bougainvillea
September 21: Drive to the Caribbean Coast with Birding Stops - Transfer to Cariblue Beach Resort
September 22: Raptor Migration from Casa Calateas and Afternoon at Cahuita National Park
September 23: Caribbean Coast and Angostura Reservoir - Transfer to Rancho Naturalista
September 24: Rancho Naturalista and Surrounding Areas
September 25: Rancho Naturalista, La Marta - Transfer to Hotel Quelitales September 26: Hotel Quelitales, Casona del Cafetal, Finca Cristina
September 27: Irazú Volcano, Hotel Bougainvillea - Transfer to Hotel Bougainvillea
September 28: Departure from San José, Costa Rica